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Friday, December 9, 2011

Pelaburan 101 - Pengenalan

Have you ever wondered how the rich got their wealth and then kept it growing? Do you dream of retiring early (or of being able to retire at all)? Do you know that you should invest, but don't know where to start?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial we will cover the practice of investing from the ground up. The world of finance can be extremely intimidating, but we firmly believe that the stock market and greater financial world won't seem so complicated once you learn some of the lingo and major concepts.

We should emphasize, however, that investing isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. Taking control of your personal finances will take work, and, yes, there will be a learning curve. But the rewards will far outweigh the required effort. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to let banks, bosses or investment professionals push your money in directions that you don't understand. After all, no one is in a better position than you are to know what is best for you and your money.

Regardless of your personality type, lifestyle or interests, this tutorial will help you to understand what investing is, what it means and how time earns money through compounding. But it doesn't stop there. This tutorial will also teach you about the building blocks of the investing world and the markets, give you some insight into techniques and strategies and help you think about which investing strategies suit you best. So do yourself a lifelong favor and keep reading.

One last thing: remember: there are no "stupid" questions. If after reading this tutorial you still have unanswered questions, we'd love to hear from you.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Bisnes sebagai satu budaya

TAN Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim merupakan tokoh yang tidak perlu diperkenalkan. Jangan sesiapa berani menafikan kredibiliti dan keupayaan anak kelahiran Johor itu di pentas bisnes. Mantan Presiden dan Ketua Eksekutif Johor Corporation (JCorp) itu telah melakukan satu pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa.

Sebelum mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada entiti korporat yang dikendalikannya selama hampit tiga dekad, beliau meninggalkan satu nama dan legasi perniagaan yang cukup hebat. JCorp kini mempunyai lebih daripada 280 anak syarikat dan membuka pintu rezeki kepada lebih 65,000 pekerja. Terlalu banyak kejayaan yang dilakar hingga boleh dijadikan satu buku bersiri.

Syarikat konglomerat semasa pentadbirannya juga mencipta satu sejarah dunia. JCorp dilabel syarikat pertama yang mentransformasikan JCorp kepada Perbadanan Wakaf pertama di dunia. Akhbar melaporkan, JCorp mewaqafkan saham bernilai RM200 juta (nilai aset bersih) kepada Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Bhd. Seterusnya, pada tahun 2007, syarikat itu sekali lagi mewaqafkan saham miliknya di dalam TPM Management Sdn. Bhd. yang memiliki premis membeli-belah Larkin Sentral di Johor Bahru bernilai RM50.3 juta.

Katanya : “Bisnes bukan sekadar mencari keuntungan, tetapi bisnes itu adalah jihad.”

Muhammad Ali masih sibuk seperti dulu. Beliau masih merupakan Timbalan Presiden Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia (DPIM). Terkini, beliau adalah seorang penulis buku.

“Saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman saya bersama J-Corp dengan pembaca, justeru saya menulis buku yang bertajuk Bisnes Satu Cabang Jihad.

“Karya ini bukannya menumpukan kepada strategi atau teknik pengurusan tetapi mahu mengajak masyarakat Islam menghayati dan membudayakan bisnes secara serius,” katanya yang juga menulis buku bertajuk Membujur Lalu : Suatu Pengalaman Orang Melayu Dalam Pengurusan.

Buku setebal 240 muka surat itu mengandungi pecahan empat bab utama iaitu Mengenggam Pedoman, Membisneskan Budaya, Membudayakan Bisnes dan Mendaki Ombak yang antara lain mengupas tentang krisis ekonomi Asia dan cabaran serta ancaman korporat Barat.

Bisnes sebagai pekerjaan

Buku itu mengajak orang Melayu menjadikan perniagaan atau bisnes satu kerjaya serius supaya tidak ketinggalan, melonjakkan pendapatan semua, langsung meningkatkan taraf hidup menjadi bangsa maju.

Sebagai seorang Muslim yang arif dalam selok-belok perniagaan, Muhammad Ali melihat, orang asing sering melontarkan persepsi bahawa Islam adalah sebuah masyarakat yang kecundang dan antibisnes.

“Justeru, saya ingin membangkitkan semangat orang kita agar segera menjadikan bisnes sebagai teras kekuatan dan ketahanan Islam.

“Pada masa sama, saya menyeru agar mereka menyuntik nur Islam dalam amalan dan gerak kerja perniagaan yang dijalankan, jangan terpedaya dengan budaya kapitalisme Barat,” tegasnya yang turut mengadakan ceramah-ceramah bisnes berlandaskan prinsip jihad di seluruh negara.

Secara kesimpulannya, buku itu menyeru masyarakat Islam memahami peranan dan mengiktiraf potensi bisnes dalam mengatasi krisis dan ancaman sekali gus membina kekuatan dan kekebalan ekonomi dalam mempertahankan hak dan kedudukan.

Buku yang akan diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggeris ini kata Muhammad Ali, bukan saja sesuai dirujuk kepada usahawan malah kepada pelajar sekolah menengah dan mahasiswa. “Sesungguhnya, budaya perniagaan harus diterap sejak kecil, tambahan, seruan agama menyatakan sembilan per sepuluh punca rezeki adalah melalui bisnes,” ujarnya yang akan mengeluarkan sebuah buku lagi pada April ini.

Hasil karyanya begitu menarik kerana Muhammad Ali turut menyelitkan beberapa peribahasa dan pantun yang mempunyai perkaitan secara langsung dengan dunia perniagaan.

Untuk keterangan lanjut mengenai jihad dan buku-buku terdahulu, layari


The Millionaire Mind

by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D.

If you want to understand how millionaires think and how they achieve wealth, read The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley. As a professor and researcher, Stanley has devoted much of his life to studying the habits and behaviors of millionaires. What Jane Goodall is to chimps, Thomas Stanley is to the affluent. Stanley is also the author of the best-selling book, The Millionaire Next Door, which we also recommend.

However, unlike The Millionaire Next Door, The Millionaire Mind gives Stanley's detailed analysis of the "whys" behind the behavior of millionaires. He explains the decisions millionaires make and how those decisions lead to building wealth. He asks millionaires to explain and describe their own thought process. As much as I enjoyed reading The Millionaire Next Door, I think The Millionaire Mind is a far better book, because it teaches financial thinking. It is a great life-planning book.

The Millionaire Mind is based upon focus groups and a survey of 733 self-reported millionaires. Using geodemography (Don't ask me. I haven't a clue), Stanley selected neighborhoods which were likely to contain a high percentage of millionaires to survey.

It surprised me that only 32% of the 733 surveyed millionaires were business owners. Previously, in The Millionaire Next Door, Stanley reported that nearly double that percentage (2/3) of all millionaires were business owners. That's the number I'm more inclined to believe as being truly representative of the millionaire population.

Stanley reported that the average home value of the 733 surveyed millionaires was $1.4 million, which seemed rather high to represent an "average" home value for millionaires. So, geodemography aside, it seems Stanley selected some rather affluent neighborhoods for his survey. Had he chosen neighborhoods with an average home value closer to $300,000, my guess is that Stanley would have bagged far more business owners and fewer attorneys and doctors among the millionaires found.

Stanley even said he excludes misers, whose God is money, from being of the "millionaire mind." Stanley's goal was to survey people who were not just successful at building wealth, but who were also relatively well-balanced people who tended to enjoy life.

My big criticism with The Millionaire Next Door was the lack of discussion about entrepreneurship. After showing that 2/3 of millionaires were business owners, Stanley just dropped the issue to discuss topics such as the types of cars driven by millionaires. Despite the relative underrepresentation of business owners in the new survey, Stanley does an outstanding job of discussing the role of entrepreneurship and small business in building wealth in The Millionaire Mind.

We learn that millionaire entrepreneurs place high importance upon finding a profitable niche to serve. Stanley writes, "In fact, there is a highly significant correlation between level of net worth and the importance rating of 'finding a profitable niche.'"

The Millionaire Mind has an excellent chapter, Vocation, Vocation, Vocation, which gives examples of profitable small businesses. We learn about "Mr. Richard" who specializes in providing eighteen-wheeler tractor trailer parts. Mr. Richard's company acquires wrecked tractor trailers, strips them for parts, and resells the parts. His net worth is approaching eight figures. And, his annual income is above $700,000 a year. He's the only dealer of used eighteen-wheeler parts listed in his local phone book, among pages and pages of general auto parts dealers.

While writing about Mr. Richard, Stanley needed to make some copies at Kinko's. The man working at Kinko's part-time also owns his own business. He's an attorney. But, he's not too successful because the market is saturated. Stanley's lesson? Specialize, but avoid ultra-competitive "me too" areas. Stanley writes, "Many millionaires have told me that their financial success is a direct function of owning a specialized business in a geo-area that contains little or no competition."

Stanley gives himself as one example of a specialist. He specializes in studying rich people and writing about them. How does Stanley find rich people? One way is by reading specialized trade publications like Rock and Dirt, Swine Practitioner (a veterinarian publication), Waste News, Tugboat Review, and Pizza Today.

Stanley writes: "Most millionaires don't feel the need to have their story told in the Wall Street Journal, in Money, or on 20/20. They prefer to be featured in their industry's 'trade.' They enjoy their status as Turkey World's cover story or Exhaust News' man of the year. Over the years, I've been impressed with many of these trade journals. Not only do they feature America's millionaires, many of the owners of these trades have also become millionaires through their vocation."

Stanley concludes: "The way I look at the American job market is very different from the views of guidance counselors and college placement personnel. They are well intentioned, but they don't fully realize the enormous benefits of being self-employed in the ideal industry [defined by Stanley as profitable and insulated from competition] or even being a senior executive in an ideal industry sector."

Financially successful entrepreneurs place great importance upon doing something they love. Stanley says that if you could just make one decision right, you could be very successful financially. That decision is choosing the right vocation suited to you as a person. Find something you love to do. Stanley tells us that selecting the right vocation will give you the emotional energy and focus needed to succeed. I agree 100%. People who succeed do not hate what they do or even, usually, feel lukewarm about it. Life is too short to spend most of your waking time doing something you don't enjoy.

Stanley says the more wealth a person has, the more likely that person will say, "My success is a direct result of loving my career or business." Stanley recommends choosing a career which allows you to fully use your aptitudes, talents, and abilities. The outstanding career and entrepreneurship advice are reasons The Millionaire Mind is a great life-planning book.

There is also great advice about many other topics from house hunting to spouse hunting. Why does Stanley feel qualified to give advice on seeking a spouse? Well, he's found that millionaires tend to have especially stable and loving marriages lasting decades, in a world where unhappiness and divorce are common. After showing that most men seek attractive mates, and most women seek mates who are high earners, Stanley tells us millionaires select their spouses differently. What traits do millionaires value in a spouse? Honesty, responsibility, lovingness, capability, and supportiveness. These traits are highly ranked by both millionaire men and millionaire women.

So, what does Stanley suggest when single rich people ask for his advice about finding a spouse? Using the geodemography of love and assuming that love birds of a feather flock together, Stanley helped one affluent and intellectual "Miss Ann" find an appropriate church group where she might meet her ideal spouse.

Stanley suggests college, night classes, and church groups as possible meeting places of honest and dependable spouses. Skip the singles bar. Stanley says that to become a financially productive person, you should associate with other financially productive people (this is not to be confused with mooching off them).

Of course, hanging out with successful people won't automatically make someone successful, but he will learn more about success. You can't learn success by studying failure. There are too many ways to fail. Financially productive people tend to think differently from the crowd, both in their choice of vocation and in their investments.

This unique ability to see the value behind things has some interesting consequences. Stanley notes that many wealthy aren't big do-it-yourselfers, especially when it comes to dangerous jobs like house painting. Why risk falling off a ladder?

Or, as the old, do-it-yourself electrical wiring joke goes, "There are only three possible outcomes to doing electrical wiring projects yourself 1) You are electrocuted 2) You think you did the job correctly 3) You think you did the job correctly, until you come home to find your house burned to the ground."

Financially successful people understand the value of their own time. They know when to pay someone else to do a job. They also understand the value of buying quality products and maintaining them.

Stanley does a great job of explaining the importance of examining the life-cycle cost of a purchase rather than just the first-cost purchase. As one example, Stanley discusses the importance of buying a home in an area with quality public schools. Rather than paying thousands of dollars in private school tuition, make use of quality public schools. Plus, buying a home in a good neighborhood makes it easier to sell your property in the future. However, such neighborhoods probably have slightly higher property taxes. The rich accept that quality must often come at a price. Most rich understand the difference between quality and "status."

Incidentally, if I were home schooling my children, I'd make The Millionaire Mind required study material. And, if you have children, you might want to think of ways to get them to read this book. Offering them $100 for a well-written, high-quality, in-depth book report showing they have a detailed understanding of The Millionaire Mind might be just the ticket.

Many people want to be millionaires, yet few are. Most people don't think like millionaires. The Millionaire Mind teaches people how millionaires think. If you adopt even a small portion of Stanley's suggestions, your chances of becoming a millionaire will be significantly enhanced.

Some people might be slightly turned off by Stanley occasionally referring to himself and his own thought process throughout this book. Don't be. When Stanley starts contemplating the future cash flow of each letter written in a book and comparing the work of best-selling authors to that of agents, and the relative profitability-per-invested-time of each endeavor, we can say that Stanley has, himself, developed the millionaire mind. He knows what he's writing about. And, financially productive people don't resent the success of others (our view, not studied by Stanley).

We should also note that Stanley often uses aliases for the names of the focus-group millionaires he quotes. That's why we put names like "Miss Ann" in quotes. After reading Stanley's stories about ex-convicts and sellers of dubious, offshore tax investments seeking Stanley's "list" of millionaires, we can appreciate the need for aliases! Stanley doesn't keep a "list" of millionaires, but many marketers do. So, we'll add one suggestion of our own to Stanley's great body of advice: "Never participate in surveys and never tell anyone anything about your finances, your investments, or your private business."

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley is truly a great book. At we examine many books which tell people how to build wealth. Of those books we do recommend, The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley is at the very top of our recommended list.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pelaburan Emas - Pamp Suisse

It is recommended that you read this write up about the Pamp Suisse and what they do before you undertake any dealings with them.

In all transactions with gold or any other precious metal with any gold dealer, it is wise to do your own due diligence and find out as much about them as possible.

Who are Pamp Suisse
Pamp (Produits Artistiques de. Métaux Précieux SA ) Suisse is a private company independent and not subject to government influences.

The Swiss company was founded in Chiasso in 1977, and refines around 400 metric tonnes of gold each year. It is primarily known as a major producer of gold monetary bars, sold throughout the world. Mehdi Barkhordar, is the. managing director and also GoldAvenue CEO. Marwan Shakarchi, is the PAMP chairman

PAMP also produces a broad choice of specialised products in solid gold. These include coins, medals, jewellery and, since 1994, an exclusive collection of solid gold watches, assembled in PAMP's own watch manufacturing facilities

Their website and also under the url were first online in dec 2000.

Pamp Suisse are based at PAMP SA CH-6874 Castel San Pietro, Switzerland.

Pamp Suisse Products

In conjunction with AngloGold Ashanti and GoldAdvance, Pamp produces and markets primarily the famous Pamp Suisse silver bars and Pamp Suisse gold bars. This includes from 400-ounce bars down to kilo-bars, to 100-gram bars and even smaller Pamp Swiss gold bar Pamp Swiss silver bars as well as gold and silver coins.

AngloGold Ashanti, one of the world's leading gold producers, has a portfolio of long-life, relatively low-cost assets with a variety of ore body types in key gold-producing regions around the world. They provide the gold for Pamp Swiss gold bars and Pamp Swizz silver bars as well as other gold and silver bullion products.

Today, PAMP controls more than half of the world market for gold bullion bars weighing less than 50-grams. Also produces a wide range of karat gold alloys for the fine jewelry industry. Wires, plates, rods, strips and of course, grains, are readily available. Any gold alloy can be manufactured upon request.

PAMP is particularly well known for the introduction of a wide variety of decorative designs on the reverse side of its ingots, also known as 'small bars.'

PAMP offers a comprehensive range of gold bullion bars - refined up to 999.9, or even 999.99 purities - and available from 400-ounce (12.5-kgs, accepted as 'Good Delivery' in all major markets worldwide) through to kilo, ten-tola, 100-grams and tael bars. Sizes and purities of bars are matched to the special requirements of regional markets, fabricators or end users.

Of the platinum group metals, PAMP provides 'Good Delivery' bars of platinum and palladium in one- to six-kilogram weights, refined to 999.5 purities, from dedicated state-of-the-art facilities.

All bars are subjected to rigorous inspections and weighing before packing and dispatch, as would be expected of the world's perfectionist in precious metals.

PAMP employs only sworn assayers of precious metals, who work in accordance with the “Swiss Precious Metals Control Law”.

PAMP's assay laboratory is, in addition, certified as conforming to the general competency requirements to carry out tests and/or calibrations, including sampling, of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO / IEC '17025 : 2005' Accredited).

PAMP also stands as one of only five 'Approved Good Delivery Referees' of the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), responsible for the testing of samples, the provision of reference samples, and other functions in support of the 'Good Delivery' system.

Buying from Pamp Suisse
Pamp offer a complete production and global delivery service and a customer can buy Pamp Suisse Gold Bars and Pamp Suisse Silver Bars from Pamp directly or from their retail outlet, GoldAdvance.

A customer can also, if desired, hedge their price in the market via the use of PAMP's sister company, MKS Finance. In addition Metal Deposit Account services are also available.

Given its large production capacity and highly automated processes, PAMP can provide a rapid availability even in the most hectic markets due, in part to the in- house development of original equipment for casting bars, including a continuous casting line for ten-tola bars (3.75-ounces) and 100-gram bars

All varieties of Pamp Suisse
Pamp Suisse gold bars, Pamp Credit-Suisse gold bars, Pamp Suisse and Credit-Suisse silver bars are available along with additional gold and silver products. For example:
Pamp swiss gold bullion from 5 grams up to London Good Bars
Pamp swiss silver bullion from 5 grams up to the large bars
Pamp swiss gold coins
Pamp swiss silver coins
Couture Jewelry
Pamp watches, many manufactured with solid gold
Also Platinum and Palladium is available as well.
All pamp gold bar and pamp silver bar products are available at a reasonable price close to spot.

The Last Word on Pamp Suisse

As one of the world's leading precious metals refineries and fabricators, An industry first, the aim has been not only to extend the frontiers of bullion bar concepts, but also to place new emphasis on the intrinsic beauty - and therefore value - of precious metals overall. As a result, the extensive collection of decorative motifs has opened up new doors for ingots as a memorable gift, suitable for all occasions, in every market.

When it comes to investment and in gold and silver however, a more convenient solution would be to buy gold at which remedies the problems of delivery and storage as ones gold is stored for one in special London and Swiss bank vaults and delivery is not an issue.

If you have bought any Pamp Suisse gold or silver from any dealers please feel free to leave your feedback on the quality of service and products including any online complaints and special attention or service given by any dealers of Pamp Suisse gold and silver.

Kredit artikel :

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Imminent Collapse of the Financial System - Azizi Ali

The Imminent Collapse of the Financial System

I’ve been doing a lot of reading about the state of the current financial system in the world today. And I’m getting this sinking feeling about the whole thing. I’m beginning to develop the view that the current system cannot go on for much longer. It is so tipsy that it is not a matter of ‘if’ it will collapse anymore. Instead, it is just a matter of ‘when’.

It would take a book by itself (and perhaps even more than one!) to explain the points in complete details. But I’ve decided to summarize the points for your benefits. I must forewarn you that this article is a bit longer and also more complex than the usual. It needs to be – we’re talking about the state of the current financial system here!

The imminent collapse of the U.S. Dollar

The Federal Reserve is printing money – over $1 trillion in 2009 alone. This money – conjured out of thin air – is to battle the rising deficit, credit crunch, subprime crisis, bailing out the ‘too-big-to-fail’ companies and other dragons.

So the plan appears to be, to allow the dollar to drift down (and if needs to, crash down) so that American goods remain cheap so that other countries can afford to buy them, and therefore send enough of their money to the U.S. to help address all these mega problems.

Throughout the last century, all the countries that were spending beyond its means had to pay the price when their currencies were devalued. Argentina, Mexico, Thailand and even big economies such as Germany, Britain and Japan – all paid the price. All except one – the U.S.

For a long time (too long in my opinion), other countries have been propping up the U.S. by supporting the dollar. Many central bankers are scared of the results should the dollar be allowed to find its own way. Chaos, disruptions to the status quo and perhaps the collapse of civilization as we know it. So, even though the U.S. is spending beyond its means, and with no way out in the near future, it is still moving along because the rest of the world is covering up for them. But the question remains – for how much longer?

The China connection

A lot will depend on what China – the largest foreign creditor to the U.S. – decides to do. Its international reserves have been shooting upwards since the mid-1990s – from $100 billion in 1995 to $2.3 trillion in 2009. Half of its GDP – $1.6 trillion – is held in U.S. dollars in some form – U.S. Treasury bonds, mortgages, corporate debts, etc., etc. And that figure will only grow in the coming days as it continues to record trade surpluses against the U.S. even on a monthly basis.

Currently, China is telling the rest of the world that any diversification of their reserves away from the dollar will be made gradually. But as the debt grows larger and larger, the day will come when even the Chinese government will be asking themselves: “How long can we continue to subsidize the high spending white men? How long must we continue to let them wear their big hats while we take care of their cattle? How much longer?”

Lack of viable investment alternatives

The same money that used to go to stocks may not go there for much longer. The stock market faces massive obstacles because (1) the consumer-driven economy in the U.S. has weakened; (2) the probable withdrawal of money by the retiring baby boomers; (3) it is unlikely that companies will be able to maintain the current high earnings into the future. And as the days for large profits for the companies may be over, the prospect for higher stocks prices and generous dividends for the investor may also be over.

Ditto for bonds (yields are at multi-decade lows) and even real estate. The major and prolonged real estate boom (lasting over 20 years) – financed by easy credit – was good while it lasted. But this makes the chances of it going higher very unlikely.

So in short, the prospects for these investments are getting dimmer as their risks gets higher, which makes them unattractive for investors.

Their money has to go somewhere. And that somewhere is gold.

Worldwide physical supply and demand for gold

The demand for newly mined gold has consistently exceeded the supply in the last few years. And by the looks of things, this situation can only continue, and will probably get bigger, in the coming days.

Firstly, the demand has grown because of the introduction of new investment vehicles such as ETFs and increase in demand from Asia, particularly from India and China.

Next, the major central bankers are not selling as much gold as they used to. In fact, a few central bankers such as India, China and Russia actually bought gold recently.

Yet, despite all these activities, the supply has pretty much remained static. Firstly, the total supply of newly mined gold has been falling continuously since 2001. In fact, the production in South Africa, which used to be the world’s largest producer of gold, has been falling for over three decades! Even the rising supply from China and Latin America has not been able to make up for the shortfall.

Distrust in the financial system

If you believe that everything is rosy with the current banking system, that the monetary authorities are doing a fine job and that derivatives are the best things since the invention of money, then you are wasting your time with gold. Since the financial system is fine, it means that prices should be rising while gold, being the anti-matter as far as the system is concerned, should be going nowhere.

However, that consensus appears to be wearing thin even as I write these words. While we still do believe in the current system, a lot of people – including economists, central bankers and even governments – are beginning to have second thoughts. They have seen the chaos: the subprime crisis, the real estate bubble, the fall of financial giants and the collapse of ‘too-big-to-fail companies’. All a result of the excesses in the current financial system.

The worse is may yet to come. A few financial instruments in the market today did not even exist 30 years ago. One example is derivatives: financial instruments that are so complex that you cannot talk about them and not use the word ‘complex’ in the same sentence! Few people understand them and even fewer know how to measure their risks. So they are potential time bombs. There has been only one live test so far, the fall of Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) in 1998, and that nearly floored the whole banking system! And in case you didn’t know, LTCM was founded and ran by Nobel Prize winning economists! What is really scary about it is that the value of the derivatives contracts when this happened was less than $70 trillion. The market have exploded since then so the same contracts were valued at over $415 trillion in 2008, more than six times larger than the global GDP! So any sudden jerks and certainly failures in that market will bring much pain – perhaps even a global collapse of the financial system as we know it.

The U.S. government is an aging star

For the last 100 years, there is a phenomena that everybody knows but do not want to admit. And this is that phenomena: what will happen is what the U.S. government wants to happen. And generally speaking, what the U.S. government wants, the U.S. government gets. So if they want to price of gold to rise, the price of gold will rise. And vice versa.

As an example here, the price of gold remained at $35 per ounce from 1935 to 1971 – a period of 36 years that included World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and numerous other conflicts. Why? Because the U.S. government needed to price to stay at that level to save their crumbling economy during the Great Depression and later on to allow the U.S. dollar to usurp the coveted role of being the world’s reserve currency from gold. The rest of the world did not like it but that was what happened.

However, that may not be the case for much longer. The U.S. government is like an aging star – everyone still respects her because of what she has done and because she still wields a little bit of power. But everyone also knows that she is getting old. And the power is slowly slipping away as new stars rises.

Further, the situation may be even out of their control. Their debt is monstrous, their trade deficit is growing every day, their population is aging, their financial system is on a ledge and there is growing distrust from the rest of the world.

So there you go, folks, a very brief explanation as to why I’m getting this sinking feeling about the current financial system in the world today.

More importantly, I would urge you to come for the upcoming Gold Rush workshop that will be held at Holiday Villa Subang on Saturday Feb 19. If you have not registered yet, you can get the full details from the website Among others, I will elaborate on the complete reasons why the current system is on a ledge and more importantly, what you can do to protect yourself from the collapse. Log on to the website, register now and take the steps to protect yourself and your family.

In the meantime (and despite the doomsday message!), best wishes for the New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2011.

"For the complete details on how you can protect yourself and your family in case of a financial system collapse, go to:

Copyright © Azizi Ali 2011

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tanggungjawab Menyokong Perniagaan Muslim - Dr Asri

Sumber : Ustaz Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin –
(Nota: Pautan asal gagal dijumpai, jika anda mengetahuinya, sila maklumkan kepada kami, terima kasih).

Sikap tolong menolong, bantu membantu dan jamin-menjamin sesama muslim di dalam perkara makruf atau kebaikan adalah merupakan tuntutan al-ukhuwwah al-Islamiyyah (persaudaraan Islam).

Seseorang muslim sentiasa berusaha membantu saudara muslimnya yang lain.

Membantu sesama muslim adalah antara tanggungjawab yang mesti dipikul oleh bahu setiap yang beriman dengan ayat Allah (maksudnya)

“Sesungguhnya orang beriman itu bersaudara.”
Surah al-Hujurat ayat 10

Bagi membuktikan persaudaraan Islam yang tulin, baginda Nabi s.a.w. menghuraikan di dalam hadithnya, daripada Abi Musa r.a., sabda Nabi s.a.w.:

“Bandingan seorang mukmin dengan seorang mukmin yang lain bagaikan satu bangunan, kuat-menguatkan antara satu sama lain.”
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

Membeli Produk Muslim Adalah Ibadah?

Seperti yang kita maklumi, pembabitan umat Islam di tanahair kita dalam bidang perniagaan masih dalam keadaan yang tidak kukuh. Para peniaga muslim menghadapi cabaran yang kuat di sudut persaingan.

Agak sukar untuk kita dapati pasaraya-pasaraya besar dimiliki oleh muslim atau memasarkan barangan keluaran muslim. Ini berlaku disebabkan faktor-faktor tertentu, mungkin salah satunya perkauman.

Di samping itu kedai yang dimiliki oleh umat Islam juga jumlahnya terhad. Demikian juga barangan produk muslim lebih terhad. Lebih daripada itu, kita dapati agak sukar selain daripada muslim membeli barangan produk umat Islam.

Keadaan ini tentu akan menjadi lebih buruk sekiranya umat Islam sendiri tidak membeli di gerai, kedai dan pasaraya yang dimiliki oleh saudara muslim mereka. Demikian juga keadaan menjadi lebih buruk sekiranya umat Islam tidak membantu membeli produk muslim.

Padahal dalam keadaan sebeginilah setiap umat Islam lebih dituntut melahirkan sikap persaudaraan Islam. Menghasilkan produk keluaran muslim adalah suatu kewajipan agar kita bebas dan tidak bergantung kepada orang lain.

Demikian juga membeli produk muslim, atau di kedai dan pasaraya yang dimiliki oleh orang Islam adalah kewajipan agar tanggungjawab tersebut berjaya disempurnakan. Juga menunaikan tanggungjawab bantu membantu dalam menguatkan umat. Ianya juga menguatkan ekonomi umat.

Sekiranya individu umat memiliki kuasa harta serta mereka beriman dan beriltizam, maka masyarakat Islam sekaligus akan menjadi kuat. Al-Syeikh Mustafa Khin di dalam Nuzhah al-Muttaqin ketika menghuraikan hadith:

“Bandingan seorang mukmin dengan seorang mukmin yang lain bagaikan satu bangunan, kuat-menguatkan antara satu sama lain”

di atas, menyebut:

Bandingan yang dibuat dalam hadith ini bertujuan menggalakkan bantu membantu dan tolong menolong sesama mukmin. Ini adalah perkara yang mesti dilakukan, kerana pembinaan umat tidak akan sempurna dan berhasil kecuali sebahagian umat membantu dan menguatkan sebahagian yang lain.

Seorang mukmin tidak dapat bersendiri dalam urusan dunia dan agamanya, ianya semesti memerlukan pertolongan dan bantuan saudaranya yang mukmin. Jika tidak, dia akan gagal menunaikan tanggungjawabnya dan akan cacatlah peraturan dunia dan akhiratnya serta akan termasuk dalam golongan yang binasa.
Mustafa al-Khin, Nuzhah al-Muttaqin, jld 1, m.s. 199,cetakan: Muassasah al-Risalah, Beirut.

Jika ada peniaga muslim di sesuatu tempat, pembeli muslim yang lain hendak membantunya dengan membeli daripadanya. Janganlah dijadikan perbezaan harga yang sedikit menjadi ukuran. Ini kerana kita tahu, kekuatan ekonomi saudara kita masih lemah dalam menghadapi persaingan. Jadikan akidah dan persaudaraan lebih utama, dan anggaplah membeli daripada saudara kita yang muslim adalah ibadah.

Demikian juga jika ada barangan keluaran muslim, pembeli muslim yang lain hendaklah membeli daripadanya. Jangan jadikan perbezaan rasa dan kualiti yang sedikit, menyebabkan kita menggadaikan persaudaraan kita. Membeli barangan saudara kita yang muslim adalah ibadah. Apatah lagi dalam keadaan kita sedang berusaha membangkit umat yang kebelakang dalam persaingan ekonominya.

Ini semua menunaikan apa yang digesa di dalam hadith yang sahih, sabda Nabi s.a.w:

“Bandingan golongan mukminin di dalam kasih-sayang, simpati dan tolong menolong antara satu sama lain seperti satu jasad. Sekiranya satu anggota mengadu kesakitan, maka seluruh anggota akan berjaga malam dan demam panas”
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Aliran Wang Sesama Muslim

Bayangkan kalau semua rumah muslim menggunakan barang keperluan makanan hariannya seperti rempah, sos, kicap, minyak masak dan lain-lain keluaran muslim, betapa kita telah menguatkan ekonomi saudara-saudara kita para peniaga muslim, dan memastikan wang kita sebagai pembeli muslim mengalir kepada saudara kita muslim yang lain.

Tergamakkah kita menggunakan barangan “orang lain” dan meninggalkan barangan saudara muslim kita. Iman yang tulin membantah tindakan ini. Bahkan dalam arus persaingan yang ada, kita sebenarnya mengkhianati saudara kita para peniaga muslim, yang sedang melaksanakan fardu kifayah mengeluarkan barangan tersebut.

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:

“Seorang muslim itu saudara muslim yang lain. Dia tidak akan mengkhianatinya, mendustainya dan menghinanya. Setiap muslim haram (mencemar) maruah, harta dan darah muslim yang lain. Taqwa itu di sini (hati). Cukuplah untuk dianggap seseorang melakukan kejahatan dengan dia menghina saudara muslimnya.”
Riwayat al-Tirmizi, kata hadith ini hasan. Kata al-Sakhawi: Ianya hasan sahih

Ibn ‘Allan (meninggal 1057H) ketika menghuraikan maksud “tidak mengkhianatinya”, berkata:

“mengkhianatinya ialah mengurangkan haknya yang mesti ditunaikan iaitu tolong menolong dan bantu membantu”
Ibn ‘Allan, Dalil al-Falihin, jld. 1, m.s. 17, cetakan: Dar al-Fikr, Beirut

Hadith-hadith lain begitu banyak yang menunjukkan betapa seorang muslim wajib menolong saudaranya muslim yang lain. Seperti yang disebutkan tadi, suasana persaingan yang ada menuntut untuk semangat ukhuwwah dipertingkatkan.

Malangnya sebahagian kuliah-kuliah hambar di masjid dan surau tidak menekan peri pentingnya hal ini. Sehingga kita menjadi lemah. Pengusaha-pengusaha muslim tidak mendapat sokongan daripada saudara seakidahnya sendiri.

Bayangkan sekiranya setiap kedai makan dan restoran yang dimiliki oleh orang muslim yang tumbuh bagaikan cendawan kebelakangan ini menggunakan produk buatan muslim, betapa kita berjaya menguatkan ekonomi umat membantu antara satu sama lain.

Bayangkan setiap perniagaan muslim mendapat sokongan daripada saudara muslim yang lain. Tentu wang umat akan berkisar sesama umat dan penglibatan muslim dalam bidang perniagaan akan dapat ditingkatkan.

Berdasarkan hadith-hadith yang disebutkan, nyata membeli barangan muslim dengan niat persaudaraan Islam dan ingin membantunya adalah ibadah. Dalam kata lain, pembeli muslim bukan sahaja memperolehi barang, tetapi dia juga memperolehi pahala. Jika ada sedikit sebanyak kekurangan, dalam suasana lemah dan persaingan yang ada, kita hendaklah menasihati saudara kita penjual muslim dan bersabar.

Akhlak Sebagai Peniaga Muslim

Di sudut para peniaga muslim pula, mereka hendaklah mengamalkan akhlak Islam dalam perniagaan. Proses menghidupkan suasana tolong menolong di dalam memajukan perniagaan muslim tidak akan berjaya jika tidak wujudnya kesedaran dari kedua belah pihak.

Perkara yang paling buruk sekali di dalam perniagaan ialah penipuan. Peniaga muslim ketika mengendalikan perniagaan, atau mengeluarkan produknya hendaklah amanah dan sama sekali mengelakkan anasir penipuan di dalam perniagaan.

Para penipu umat tidak termasuk di kalangan umat Nabi s.a.w. dan tidak layak mendapat pertolongan di dalam kalangan masyarakat muslim yang kita idamkan. Dalam hadith riwayat Muslim,

Rasulallah s.a.w. lalu di hadapan selonggok makanan (untuk dijual), lalu baginda memasukkan tangan baginda ke dalamnya. Kemudian di dapati jari baginda lembab. Baginda bertanya: Apa ini wahai tuan punya makanan?. Jawabnya: Ianya terkena hujan, wahai Rasululallah!. Baginda lantas bersabda: “Mengapa engkau tidak letak ianya di atas, sehingga orang boleh lihat?!!. Sesiapa yang menipu kami dia bukan dari kalangan kami“.
Riwayat Muslim

Di dalam hadith yang lain Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda:

“Bagi setiap yang belot (menyalahi janji) ada bendera pada hari kiamat, dikatakan inilah pengkhianat si pulan”.
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim.

Kata Dr. Muhammad ‘Ali al-Hasyimi:

“Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w. begitu keras terhadap penipuan, tipu daya dan pemungkir janji, tidak memadai sekadar mencampak jauh penipu dan pengkhianat janji dari masyarakat muslimin di dunia, bahkan mengistiharkan bahawa setiap pemungkir janji akan dihimpunkan pada hari kiamat dalam keadaan dia membawa bendera penipuan”
Dr. Muhammmad ‘Ali al-Hasyimi, Syakhsiah al-Muslim, m.s. 164, cetakan: Dar al-Basyair al-Islamiyyah, Beirut.

Berbekalkan perasaan takutkan azab Allah pada hari kiamat, para peniaga muslim mengeluarkan produknya, atau mengendalikan perniagaan dengan penuh amanah dan tanpa sebarang tipu daya. Masyarakat Islam pula berusaha membeli barangan para peniaga saudara muslim mereka yang dijamin kejujurannya.

Para pembeli dalam masyarakat Islam beribadah ketika membeli, sementara para peniaga pula beribadah ketika menguruskan peniagaan dengan jujur dan amanah.

Hasilnya para peniaga muslim mendapat jaminan pasaran daripada saudara-saudara muslim mereka, sementara para pembeli mendapat barangan yang dijamin kejujuran pengurusan dan produknya.

Jaminan ini tidak tertera di atas kertas perjanjian rasmi, tetapi ianya adalah jaminan iman dan taqwa yang melahirkan ukhuwwah islamiyyah atau persaudaraan islam yang melebihi segala persaudaraan dan perjanjian.

Firman Allah:

“Bertolong menolonglah kamu di dalam kebaikan dan taqwa, dan janganlah kamu tolong menolong di dalam dosa dan permusuhan”
Surah al-Maidah, ayat 2

Tingkatkan Kualiti Produk

Di samping itu, perlu diingatkan bahawa para peniaga muslim perlulah memastikan kualiti dalam pengeluaran dan pengurusan. Ini kerana sikap yang amanah sahaja, tanpa kualiti barangan tidak akan dapat memenuhi sasaran.

Al-Quran menyebut:

“Sesungguhnya sebaik-baik orang yang hendak engkau ambil bekerja ialah yang kuat (berkemampuan) dan amanah (dipercayai).”
Surah al-Qasas, ayat 26

Kelayakan mengendali sesuatu urusan mestilah bergabungnya dua faktor :

Kemampuan atau kemahiran.
Sekiranya peniaga muslim menggabungkan di dalam dirinya sikap amanah berserta kualiti perniagaan, maka dia memberikan khidmat yang memuaskan hati umat yang sedang bersiap untuk membantu mereka dengan cara membeli produk-produk yang dikeluarkan. Bersemaraklah suasana tolong menolong di atas dasar taqwa.

Tolong-menolong Dalam Perniagaan

Juga antara ciri tolong-menolong ialah memudahkan pembeli. Sebagai contohnya; adalah mendukacitakan, apabila kita dapati ada kedai runcit muslim yang sebahagian barangan penting yang menjadi keperluan tidak dijual di dalamnya.

Bila ditanya, jawab empunya kedai “untungnya tidak seberapa” atau “untungnya tipis”. Tidakkah dia berfikir sekiranya dia menyediakan barangan tersebut dia telah memudahkan pembeli yang datang ke kedainya, supaya mereka tidak perlu ke kedai lain lagi.

Dalam masa yang sama ianya adalah tarikan kepada pembeli dan memudahkan urusan mereka. Memudahkan urusan orang lain adalah ibadah, dan juga membawa faedah kepada perniagaan. Perkara seperti ini sepatutnya difahami dengan baik oleh peniaga muslim.

Dalam hadith Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:

“..engkau menolong orang lain mengangkat barang ke atas kenderaannya adalah sedekah”
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Tentulah peniaga yang menolong pembeli memudah kerja pembelinya adalah sedekah. Demikian dia berniaga dan beribadah.

Hendaklah kita semua meniru apa yang dilakukan oleh kaum al-’Asy’ariyin (kaum Abu Musa al-’Asy’ari) yang sentiasa tolong menolong antara mereka.

Rasulullah s.a.w. memuji mereka, sabda baginda:

“Sesungguhnya kaum al-’Asy’ariyin apabila keluar berperang, atau kurang makanan keluarga mereka di Madinah, mereka himpunkan apa yang ada pada mereka dalam satu kain. Kemudian mereka membahagikan dalam satu bekas dengan sama rata. Sesungguhnya mereka daripadaku dan aku daripada mereka.”
Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim

Maksud “Sesungguhnya mereka daripadaku dan aku daripada mereka” ialah menggambarkan redhanya Nabi s.a.w. dengan tindakan mereka. Betapa yang mereka lakukan menepati ketaatan kepada Allah.

Hadith ini memperlihatkan betapa sikap tolong menolong dan bantu membantu sesama sendiri dalam keadaan terdesak sangat dituntut. Demikianlah membeli barangan muslim dalam keadaan kekuatan ekonomi tidak berada di tangan umat adalah lebih dituntut.

Ini bukanlah menggambarkan sikap jumud dan taksub kepada puak. Nabi s.a.w. dalam hadith di atas memuji kaum al-’As’ariyin yang sentiasa tolong menolong sesama sendiri dan tidak menganggap itu sebagai sikap berpuak yang dicemuh. Sebaliknya baginda memuji mereka.

Kata al-Syeikh Muhammad al-Mubarak ketika menghuraikan hadith di atas:

Sesungguhnya Nabi s.a.w. memerangi ‘asabiyyah (perkauman) yang semata-mata disebabkan keturunan, lalu menggantikannya dengan ikatan akidah dan prinsip. Namun baginda menganggap kaum al-’As’ariyin sebahagian daripada baginda.

Ini disebabkan prinsip yang sama iaitu jamin-menjamin dan bantu membantu dalam harta. Juga membahagikan harta sesama sendiri dalam hal darurat dan keperluan.
Muhammad al-Mubarak, Nizam al-Islam, mabadik wa qawa’id ‘ammah, m.s. 134, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut.

Peranan Muslim Samada Peniaga atau Pengguna

Selagi kita tidak dapat membina kekuatan ekonomi umat, sehingga kita mampu berdiri dengan sendirinya, kita akan terus menjadi umat yang lemah. Umat wajib terus berusaha mengeluarkan berbagai produk dan keperluan sehingga kita tidak bergantung kepada orang lain.

Setiap individu muslim hanya ada dua pilihan di hadapannya, samada dia menjadi pengeluar barangan atau pembeli barang keluaran saudara muslimnya yang lain.

Mereka yang tidak menyertai kempen ini, melupai bahawa diri mereka adalah satu juzuk daripada umat, juga melupai tanggungjawab ukhuwwah islamiyyah.

Maulana Abu Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi r.h. pernah mengkritik dunia Arab dalam tulisannya dengan menyatakan:

“Mestilah bagi dunia Arab sebagai dunia Islam bebas (memiliki sendiri) dalam perniagaan, harta, industri dan pendidikan. Bangsa mereka tidak boleh memakai melainkan apa yang tumbuh di buminya dan ditenun dengan tangannya…

sesungguhnya dunia Arab tidak dapat dapat memerangi Barat- jika keadaan memerlukan demikian- selagi meraka memerlukan Barat dalam soal harta, pakaian dan barangan.

Tidak ada pena yang digunakan untuk menandatangani sesuatu perjanjian dengan Barat, melainkan pena tersebut dibuat di Barat. Tidak ada senjata yang digunakan untuk memerangi Barat, melainkan senjata itu dibuat di Barat.

Sesungguhnya adalah memalukan apabila umat Arab tidak dapat mengambil manfaat daripada sumber kekayaan dan kekuatan mereka sendiri. Adalah memalukan apabila air kehidupan yang mengalir di dalam urat mereka akhirnya sampai ke tubuh orang lain..”
Abu Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi, Maza khasira al-’Alam bi Inhitat al-Muslimin, m.s. 416, cetakan: Maktab al-Sunnah, Kaherah.

Marilah kita mengambil pengajaran daripada apa yang disebut oleh Maulana Abu Hasan ‘Ali al-Nadwi ini agar kita bersegera membaiki diri dan kekuatan umat.

Umat Islam di tanahair kita jumlahnya banyak, kita memiliki kuasa membeli yang tinggi, malangnya kita tidak tahu bagaimana mengalirkannya dengan tepat.

Artikel ini disunting oleh Admin iaitu diletakkan beberapa tajuk kecil, bertujuan memudahkan pembacaan. Teks asal tidak diubah.

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